Inspiring Works From Rural Farms, Forests, & Charming Villages on the Salish Sea

Category: Orcas Activities

Sep 14
Mycopigments: Mushroom and Lichen Dyeing Retreat Oct 27-29

Wonder Camp presents the Magic of Mushrooms and Lichen. Join us for a 3-day…

Aug 10
San Juan Islands Farm Tours 2023

Farm Tours on the San Juan Islands are a Joy! Seeing where our food comes from and…

Sep 14
Farm to Fork Meals – fundraisers for Orcas and Lopez School Gardens

Farm Fresh is Best! Farm Tour Dining Discoveries, October 1st and 6th. Community…

Aug 07
Wonder Camp at Imagine Festival

Island Makers Pavilion at Imagine Music and Arts Festival. Four great Wonder Camp…

Jul 31
Food Heroes Dinner with The Kitchen, Aug 5th, Orcas

The Kitchen is Serving! Local food on island plates really is the basis of building…

Jul 14
Summer Music Camp on Orcas Island

Music Camp at the Aug 5-7 Wonder Camp, Orcas Island. The forest will be flowing with…

Jul 02
Summer Wonder Camp on Orcas

Orcas Wonder Camp is Aug 5-8, 2023. Wonder Camps are all about hands-on learning and…

May 03
Spring Maker Shows and Events – 2023

SJI Islands Makers at Markets & Classes Island Makers are Open for Business and…

May 03
Island Performances – Spring 2023

SJI Islands Performances – Spring 2023 – Recommended Musical and Theater…

May 03
Gardening, Plants & Food

Gardening, Workshops, Food Classes, and Plant Sales The Pacific Northwest grows an…

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