Inspiring Works From Rural Farms, Forests, & Charming Villages on the Salish Sea

Spring Maker Shows and Events – 2023

SJI Islands Makers at Markets & Classes

Island Makers are Open for Business and selling hand crafted arts, crafts, wines, ciders and foods at local pop-up events and farmers markets. 

DIY classes too! 

If you or your organization have an event to promote to our readers, please write to 

Pop-Up Arts Events

Creative Makers Classes Across the Islands


Orcas Library

Waldron Island Basket Workshop, May 20-21 with Maria Bullock

This workshop will take you threw a process of creating an oval base and then building a basket on it. You can choose your final shape and height. All willow harvested locally with love. Colors may vary. May 20-21, 9am-5pm, $225 This Workshop is organized by and for Waldron Island participants

San Juan, May 20th: Painting from the Heart

Date Change! I’ve re-scheduled my May “Painting From The Heart” workshop. Hope you can join me on May 16 from 5:00 to 8:00 at the Friday Harbor Atelier! This is the perfect class for those who have always wanted to try painting, but don’t think they have the talent. Trust me – you do! 

Stay in Touch with San Juan Islands Makers Guild

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