Orcas Food Heroes Celebration, Dinner and Film. Location: Orcas Island Winery. Date:…
‘Sheep to Shawl’ weaving workshop introduction to Island yarns and…
Get Your FOLK ON! Come to the Salish Sea Folk Arts Fest on Orcas Island Registration…
Click to Request your FREE Film Fest Pass Earth Day Island Film Fest, April 18-28,…
Welcome to Earth Day Orcas 2024. This popular Eco Fair offers activities for all ages…
Earth Day opens with Poetry, Music and Luminaria Ecopoetry is a precious walk through…
Earth Day Parade Celebration! Come join a Procession of the Species parade on Orcas…
Planning Project: SJI Innovation Center. Regenerative Solutions for Agriculture and…
Mend it. Make it. Fix it. Share it! News on San Juan Islands county wide Repair Cafe,…
Winter Auction for Wonderful Gifts and Surprises. Catch the Holiday Spirit! The Island…