Mend it. Make it. Fix it. Share it!
News on San Juan Islands county wide Repair Cafe, Tool Lending Library, and Reuse Events and Activities.

Repair Cafe WA Introduction
Zoom meet-up for all islanders.
Tuesday, Sept 12th, 11am, online
Meet Kami Bruner of Zero Waste Washington and the Repair Economy WA to learn about Repair Cafe strategies. Great examples for all San Juan Islands.
For meeting details, create an account at the SJIMG Makers Hub for directions. Once in the Hub, click on Classes button to reach event calendar and register.
Repair Fair on San Juan Island
Sunday, September 17th, noon-4pm at the Grange Hall in Friday Harbor
Presented in conjunction with the Grange #966, Fellow Shop, Alchemy Art Center and Transition San Juan.
- Booths offering space, demonstrations, and/or DIY instruction on: Screen-Printing & Natural Dyeing, Basic Mending/Sewing, Blade Sharpening, Small Furniture Repair, Bike Repair, and Tool Repair (no combustible engines)
- Hot Chocolate, Coffee, and Tea will available
- BYO: Mug, Stuff to Fix, & Clean Clothing to Darn, Screen-Print, & Dye
Orcas Island Tool Library and Maker Resource Planning
There is an interest on Orcas for three year-round Maker activities:
- A tool lending library (like the one on Vashon ) with reservations made online, and volunteers helping with check-outs/returns/maintenance.
- A repair café for all sorts of tools and appliances, clothing and more (example at ).
- A regular cycle of hands-on makers learning classes led by local and guest teachers.
In response to community input, the Island Makers Guild Council has prioritized Education as a top service goal. We’ve started conversations with existing facilities to explore where these services could be best housed. And we are starting to look for materials funding and possible tool donations, volunteer repair experts, and teachers.
We’d appreciate helpful community input:
What would you like to learn? Or teach?
What do you need for learning or tools?
Where would you like to see this happen?
How can this be funded as an ongoing, low-overhead, community service?
Help shape our local maker network – your talents and needs are valued.
To join the planning conversation, log in to the Makers Hub and participate in the online forum. Free to all Hub members.