Planning Project: SJI Innovation Center. Regenerative Solutions for Agriculture and…
Mend it. Make it. Fix it. Share it! News on San Juan Islands county wide Repair Cafe,…
Winter Auction for Wonderful Gifts and Surprises. Catch the Holiday Spirit! The Island…
Island artisans, music, dinner and drink options opening the Winter Artisans Market…
Winter Holiday Village Market, 2023 . Join the Market Joy at Odd Fellows Hall,…
Wonder Camp presents the Magic of Mushrooms and Lichen. Join us for a 3-day…
Farm Tours on the San Juan Islands are a Joy! Seeing where our food comes from and…
Farm Fresh is Best! Farm Tour Dining Discoveries, October 1st and 6th. Community…
Island Makers Pavilion at Imagine Music and Arts Festival. Four great Wonder Camp…
The Kitchen is Serving! Local food on island plates really is the basis of building…