The following resources are provided to assist Makers in promoting their activities and events, sharing needs or resources, and finding opportunities. The Hub is more than a web site – it is a platform to build content on, share in conversations, promote your maker activities, and grow as a Maker. We are here to support You!
YOUR NEEDS: Share your interests to help the Makers Guild develop programs and services that best meet the Maker Community needs
LEARNING: Maker and business classes in the islands, regional, and online national programs great for Maker skill development.
TEACHING: How to Promote a Class, Activity, Tour or Event on the Makers Guild Platform
GET INVOLVED: The Makers Guild hosts seasonal online and live events that feature member products, classes or volunteering
FORUM: How to Start or Join a Conversation with fellow makers in the online Makers Forum
MAKER 2 MAKER: How to Build a Professional or Organization Makers Directory profile listing
How to Build a DIY or Life Long Learner profile listing in the Makers Directory
Once you have built a listing, use your Dashboard to manage your content.
In the Guild’s listening sessions with makers across the San Juans, we hear regular requests for establishing a Tool Library for sharing tools as a community service.
What Tools Do You Occassionally Need?
Agriculture. Automotive. Home Repair. Electronic.
Artisan. Craft. Woodworking. Culinary. Bike Repair. Or?
Establishing physical tool libraries is manageable on an individual island scale and we’ve been researching other examples to help each island access an easy-to-manage online platform for checking out and tracking tools. In most cases, tool libraries are associated with a recycling center, or public library, a Grange, a remakery, or other existing community organization.
For anyone interested in collaborating on creating a Tool Library, and in developing the leadership to site and manage the Library, we recommend researching the tool management options. We learned about MY TURN tool librar services, free or low cost to non-profit groups, from the Vashon Tool Library.
As Tool Libraries are established in the San Juans, we will be featuring them in the Makers Hub. We encourage you to post your interests in forming a tool library in the community conversations on the Networking Hub.
Explore Tool Library resources and models: