Inspiring Works From Rural Farms, Forests, & Charming Villages on the Salish Sea

Island Bounty – Call for Artisits for exhibit at Orcas Center, Sept 30th

Island Bounty - Call for Artists & Artisans.

The Visual Arts Committee (VAC) of Orcas Center and the San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild are partnering with the Makers Guild to create a unique fall show entitled, Island Bounty. This curated exhibition aims to honor and highlight the beauty and foods that come from our islands as well as the talented artists and artisans in our county.


Timed as the launch to the popular annual Island Grown Farm Tours, this is a celebration of our agricultural heritage and island bounty.

How to Enter as an Artist or Artisan

If you would like your work to be featured at Orcas Center during this show, please complete the entry form online and then submit photographs of works to 


We are seeking to highlight multiple artists and artisans who incorporate island grown materials in their work or products, or that depict our agricultural landscapes, heritage, and lifestyles. The show opens on September 30th and run through November 16th.


We would like artists to be present for the Art Opening, 4-7pm on September 30th to discuss their work and potentially provide demonstrations.

Are you an artist who works with natural island resources? Do you craft and sell value-added foods or beverages using island ingredients?

Might you spin yarn from local sheep or alpaca, work with Madrona wood, or otherwise use the bounty of our islands to fabricate your creations? Are you a painter or photographer of rural island landscapes or farm scenes?

Farm tools repurposed into art? Restored farm trucks? Local wood carvers, weavers, basket makers, and metal workers are all welcome!

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