San Juan Islands Makers Guild Program Funding, 2019-current
COMMUNITY MATCHING The largest start-up investment being made to date in developing and delivering the Makers Guild programs is coming from VOLUNTEERS. Calculating the amount of donated time and effort our volunteers have provided, more than 6,000 hours of un-paid, volunteer time has been invested between all of the Guild’s volunteers, 2019-2024. At an average of $40 an hour, that is a $240,000 in-kind investment. These efforts include project development and administration, photography, travel, materials and supplies.
GRANT and CONTRACT FUNDING The second circle of funding is GRANT and CONTRACT funding. 100% of grant funding is invested directly into community services including team time, materials, venue rentals, advertising and supplies. Contract funds are likewise tied to specific line item deliverables.
To date, the Guild’s fiscal sponsor has received the following funding that has assisted the Makers Guild in completing its tasks:
Alchemy Arts Center
Bullocks Permaculture Homestead
Cider Festival / Orcas Senior Center
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Fidelis Circle
Friends of the San Juans
Island Stewards
Lopez Community Land Trust
Lopez Grange
Lopez History Museum
Lopez Island Artist Guild and Studio Tours
Lopez Locavores
Northwest Agriculture Business Service
Northwest Innovation Resource Center
Odd Fellows Hall
OPAL Community Land Trust
Orcas Center Visual Arts Committee
Orcas Community Food Cooperative
Orcas Community Participatory Agriculture
Orcas Exchange
Orcas Island Artist Studio Tour
Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce
Orcas Island Garden Club
Orcas Island Lit Fest
Orcas Island Yacht Club
Orcas Library
Orcas Lions Club
Orcas Senior Center
San Juan County Arts Council
San Juan County Community Development
San Juan County Food System Team
San Juan County Land Bank
San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce
San Juan Island Grange
San Juan Island Home Trust
San Juan Island Studio Tour
San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild
San Juan Islands Conservation District
San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau
SJC Master Gardeners
Source-paper and Leaping Fool
The Fellowshop
Transition Lopez
Transition San Juan
Washington State Parks
Washington State Parks Folk and Traditional Arts
West Sound Community Club
Western Washington University, Salish Sea Institute Fellows
WSU Extension
13 Moons
Abigail Prout
Barn Owl Pottery
Boat House Cider
Bruce Halabisky
Burke Mulvaney, Music
Caldera Glass
Caller Amy
Candis Susol
Carol A Anderson
Carolyn Cruso
Cascadia Homestead Builders
Cathy Vierthaler
Chandelle Anderson Ceramics
Charlie MacPherson
Chuck Silva Jewelry
Cisco Woodworking
Clint McCune
Darvill’s Bookstore
David Densmore painter
Davis Limbach
Deborah Babcock
Delmy’s Café
Derek Eisel, Music
Earth Ball
Earthlingz Music
Edee Kulper
Elizabeth Herbert
Emmes Furniture
Emmett Pearsons
Fabled Flora
Farm to Ferry Cafe
Farm to Ferry café
Felt + Clay Gallery
Feral Mary
Forest Ceramics
Friday Harbor Atelier
George Post
Glenn Hendrick
Greene Atelier
Guiseppi Spadafora
Hailey Shannon
Hannah Boehm
Hannah Mason
Hepheastus woodworking
Ibis Element jewelry
Indigo Jewelry
Inese Westcott, painter
Inspired Earth Tea
Iris Graville
Irthlingz, Sharon Abrea and Michale Hurwicz
Island Bound Books
Island Fibers yarn and weaving
Island Knitwear
Island Thyme bodycare
Islands Sounder
Jamie Arnold, Tulalip
Janet Gadallah
Jeffry Steele
Jill Bliss
Jill McCabe Johnson
Joel Gamble, Music
John Bellows
John Fletcher woodworking
John Raymond Barry painter
Joshua Alber
Josie Dow, Music
Joy Hughes
Julia Mira
Karyn Lindquist
Kate Wood
Katey Rissi
Kiel Sloper
Kim Middleton
Land Sea Gomasio
Larry Paluzzi photography
Laura Yeats Woodworking
Limbaugh Marimba
Linda Ransley
Lisa Mira
Lopez Locavores
Lopez Soap and Body Care
Lucky Ewe Farm
Maria Michaelson
Maria Nutt
Maria Root
Mary Jane Elgin ceramics
Matia Indigo Jones
Menacho Indigo Textiles
Mermaid Botanicals
Michelle Hamon
Minnow Creek
Monaghan Consulting
Morning Star Farm
Nathan Donnelly
Nic Coldren
Northstar Farm
Olga Rising café
Orcas Farm
Orcas Food Coop
Orcas Island Market
Orcas Winery
Petal and Clay ceramics
Peter C Fisher Photography
Peter Oleson
Queen Bee Baking
Quinn Baliey
Rafe Pearlman
Rafe Pearlman, Music
Rainshadow Solar
Ravenswood Art
Rebecca Cohen
Reishi Strauss
Robert Dash Photography
Rosie Cayou James
San Juan Island Journal
San Juan Vineyard
Schultz Papercraft
Sea Starling Jewelry
Shannon Belthor Sculpture
Shannon Borg
Sharon Abreau, Music
Sheila Metcalf
Stanley and Kip Greenthal
Steven Hill Painter
Stephanie Clair
Studio 45 glass
Studio Wylde
Sweet Craft Bakeshop
Taja Wicks
Tangled Tides
Tara Craig
The Barnacle
The Orcasonian
Vincent Jacques
Vortex Café
Warm Valley Farm
Warm Valley Orchard yarns and weaving
Whidbey Island Candles
Wind Water Rock
Woodsia printed textiles
Zackarya Leck
Zoe Osenbach
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