Inspiring Works From Rural Farms, Forests, & Charming Villages on the Salish Sea

Asset Mapping Launches

Summer and Fall 2021 News - we have some good news to share. The first Asset Mapping project is now live as an online survey. This survey encourages you to reflect on and share your maker activities as a business, DIY hobbyist, life-long learner, or teacher.

The Makers Guild has secured funding to develop a Makers Directory as part of an asset mapping research project through 2022. We are conducting a countywide needs assessment and contracting multi-sector Market Plans to benefit Maker enterprises. Our first step is building a Makers online platform that showcases San Juan County Makers and provides tools for marketing, communication and education. Second step is selecting emerging and established businesses to participate in a needs assessment. Third step is conducting market studies to research new ways to build audiences, encourage participation, and reach buyers.

Thank-you WA USDA RBDG!

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